Thursday, September 13, 2012


16 x 20

Good Morning.  Got a little painting in the last few days.  I've got to get back in the grove.  Postponed painting the picture I took at Monet's garden until I get my painting legs back (maybe painting hands) This is a painting I did yesterday of water reeds.  I got the photo from the "Paint my Photo" site.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Well it's another beautiful morning in Fort Worth.  Picked up my paintings that were juried into the "Art in the Garden" show this morning.  Didn't win anything, but so was honored just to have my work hanging with other talented artist!  Off and ready to start another painting.  While being hooked on Monet's water lilly paintings,  I think I'm going to give it another go.  I was in France in July and took many pictures of Monet's gardens.  I think I like this one the best.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Good morning!  What a glorious morning it is.  It's so nice that I had my coffee and Danish on the back porch.  And it's especially good because the "Cowboys" won their season opener.

Now for a little art.  These are paintings I have painted for friends or family.  Enjoy.

"White Tulips"  for my daughter Laurie

"Red Poppies" for my high school friend Margie

"White Roses" for my favorite neighbor Cynthia

"Study with bowl and orange"  SOLD

"Tres Pears"  SOLD

"Tres Oranges"  SOLD

"Bella"   the grand-dog for granddaughter Mady

"Landscape study"  SOLD

Everyone have a wonderful day.!

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


To day I thought I would post several paintings I did in 2011.  They had been hanging at a friends "Edward Jones" company.  He needs a refresh, so I'll be picking these up soon.  Enjoy!

"Costa Rica Casa"

"Winding River"

"Abstract Field"

"Color Field"

"Lemons and Monet"



"Flower Girl"

Hope everyone has a great day.